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Templates & Integration
Correct templates and simple, smooth integration into the existing digital environment are important factors to consider. mdesk™ includes all templates from every major implant manufacturer. Hence, mdesk™ integrates effectively with all PACS solutions, making it the obvious choice for orthopedic surgeons worldwide.
mdesk™ is a full-range system with thousands of digital templates. mdesk™ includes templates for all joints and for trauma – all located in an easy-to-browse library. The system comes with efficient updates of templates, and Web-based services are available.
With the mdesk™ system, you can always access all templates for any joint from every major implant manufacturer.
The mdesk™ system is available in configurations to fit any size of organization – large teaching hospitals to small clinical practices. mdesk™ integrates with any PACS, as a module in PACS workstations or as a client/server based system communicating directly with the PACS using the Query/Retrieve/Store protocols of the DICOM standard.
Whatever the size of your organization – we can offer you the mdesk™ system with modalities to enable smooth integration into your existing digital environment and ensure optimized workflow.